4th of July Kick-off Celebration
Join MWR in celebrating our nation's Independence Day!
Jun 29 2018, 1 pm - 4 pm
Jun 29 2018, 1 pm - 4 pm
The 4th of July Celebration is coming to Fort Greely early with lots of fun for the whole family!
Join MWR in celebrating our nation's Independence Day on Friday, June 29 from 1-4 p.m. at the Aurora CAC Pavilion. The annual event features inflatables, water slide, children games, arts & craft, music, the traditional Apple Pie Bake-Off Contest, free hot dogs for our patrons and much more! Mark your calendar and join the fun!
Annual Apple Pie Bake-off Contest Rules
How to Enter
- Drop off your prize-winning Apple Pie at the Aurora CAC, Bldg. 500 between 1000 and 1100 on Contest Day - Friday, June 29, 2018.
- Be sure to attach to your Apple Pie at the time of checking in:
- Apple Pie Baker’s Name: _________________________
- Apple Pie Name: _________________________
- Phone Number: _________________________
- Recipe
- The Contest is open to anyone wishing to bake an APPLE PIE.
- Only Double Crust Apple Pies will be accepted, NO Crumbles, Crisps, Betty’s, or Pan Dowdy’s allowed.
- Pie MUST be checked in for judging between 1000-1100 on contest day (June 29, 2018).
- No other fruits may be added (juices OK).
- Pies that need special handling, refrigeration or heating elements are not allowed.
- The finished pie cannot contain raw/uncooked eggs (white or yolks). Egg must reach 160 degrees to be considered cooked.
- We recommend that pies are baked in disposable pans only, if you use your own pan it is your responsibility to grab it after the contest.
- Pies will be scored on Appearance, Crust, Filling, and Overall Flavor/Taste on June 29, 2018 at 1200.
- Winner will receive an engraved glass pie pan.
- Winning Pie Recipe and Photo will be published on our Social Media.