Fort Greely Leisure Needs Survey
Please select the best answer from the choices provided. Note that "None" is not a valid response.
1. Which of the following BEST describes your status?
** None Active Duty Military AGR National Guard Title 32 Reserve Component Military Spouse Military Family Member Military Retiree Veteran DoD Civilian Employee Contractor Spouse (no Military affiliation) Family Member (no Military affiliation) None of the above
2. What is your age group?
** None Under 25 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65 or older
3. What is your gender?
** None Male Female Prefer not to answer
4. Are you currently married?
** None Yes No
5. Do you have school age children living in your home?
** None Yes No
6. How satisfied are you with the quality and availability of:
a. Social events and dancing areas (bars, clubs, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
b. Sporting events, movies, and concerts
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
c. Entertainment areas (casinos, amusement parks, video arcades, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
d. Areas for the arts and museums
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
e. Dining areas and restaurants
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
f. Golf courses, driving ranges, and putting greens
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
g. Outdoor athletic fields and courts (soccer, softball, tennis, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
h. Outdoor shooting and adventure areas (mountain climbing, skiing, horseback riding, shooting, BMX courses, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
i. Camping, hunting, and fishing areas
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
j. Outdoor swimming and water related facilities
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
k. Parks, playgrounds, and picnic areas
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
l. Walking, hiking, and biking trails
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
m. Fitness facilities (walking tracks, weightlifting equipment)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
n. Indoor swimming facility
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
o. Indoor facilities for team sports (gymnasiums, hockey rinks, indoor soccer fields, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
p. Facilities for individual sports and activities (martial arts, dance, gymnastics, boxing, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
q. Areas for hobbies/personal interests (do it yourself activities, libraries, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
r. Game and leisure activity areas (bowling, billiards, etc.)
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
Which FOUR of the types of facilities and activities listed below do you think should receive the HIGHEST priority for improvement or new funding from Fort Greely or the community where you live? (Select your top four (4) choices below.)
Social events & dancing areas
Sporting events, movies, and concerts
Entertainment areas
Areas for the arts and museums
Dining areas and restaurants
Golf course, driving ranges, and putting greens
Outdoor shooting and adventure areas
Camping, hunting, and fishing areas
Parks, playgrounds, and picnic areas
Walking, hiking, and biking trails
Fitness facilities
Indoor swimming facilities
Indoor facilities for team sports
Facilities for individual sports and activities
Areas for hobbies/personal interests
Game and leisure activity areas
7. Overall, how would you rate the quality and availability of recreation and leisure facilities, programs, and services that are offered ON-POST at Fort Greely?
** None Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
8. How would you rate Fort Greely:
a. As a place to live?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
b. As a place to raise children?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
c. As a place that promotes a healthy lifestyle?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
d. Overall appearance?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
e. Your overall feeling of safety?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
f. The overall quality of life?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
g. Availability of information about installation leisure programs and services?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
h. Overall quality of services provided by Fort Greely?
** None Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Don't Know
9. Please indicate if you have a need for the following facility or regarding SOCIAL LEISURE & RECREATION NEEDS:
a. Social clubs (BOSS, Kiwanis, Spouses Club, etc.)
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
b. Night clubs/lounges
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
c. Dancing places
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
d. Community centers
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
e. Sports bars
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
f. Sporting events
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
g. Movie theaters
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
h. Movie rentals (Redbox)
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
i. Music concerts
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
j. Variety shows (comedy clubs, dinner theater, etc.)
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
k. Casinos and bingo halls
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
l. Amusement parks
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
m. Video arcades, internet gaming areas, laser tag
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
n. Theater, ballet, plays
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
o. Museums
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
p. Fast food restaurants
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
q. Family dining
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
r. Fine dining
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
s. Cafes/coffee shops
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
10. Please indicate if you have a need for the following facility or regarding OUTDOOR LEISURE & RECREATION NEEDS:
a. 18-hole golf courses
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
b. Golf driving ranges
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
c. Miniature golf
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
d. Baseball fields
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
e. Batting cages
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
f. Outdoor basketball courts
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
g. Soccer fields
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
h. Softball fields
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
i. Tennis courts
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
j. Outdoor volleyball courts
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
k. Outdoor Ice skating/hockey rinks/roller derby
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
l. Archery areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
m. Trap/target shooting areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
n. Paintball facilities
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
o. Off-road areas (4WD, ATVs)
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
p. Mountain/rock climbing areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
q. Snow ski rentals and trips
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
r. BMX courses
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
s. In-line skating/skateboard areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
t. Horseback riding facilities
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
u. Camping areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
v. Cabins and cottages
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
w. Fishing areas and equipment
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
x. Hunting areas and equipment
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
y. Outdoor swimming pools
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
z. Paddle boarding/surfing/boogie boarding
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
aa. Motor boating and sailing
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
bb. Jet skiing
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
cc. Canoeing, kayaking, rafting
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
dd. Beaches (river, lake. or ocean)
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
ee. Picnic areas and shelters
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
ff. Playgrounds for children
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
gg. Paved walking/biking trails
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
hh. Unpaved hiking trails
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
ii. Mountain bike trails
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
jj. Dog parks
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
12. Please indicate if you have a need for the following facility or regarding INDOOR LEISURE & RECREATION NEEDS:
a. Cardiovascular Equipment
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
b. Aerobics/fitness areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
c. Indoor walking/jogging track
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
d. Weightlifting exercise areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
e. Lap pools for exercise
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
f. Leisure pools
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
g. Indoor water parks
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
h. Gyms (basketball/volleyball)
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
i. Ice skating/hockey rinks/roller derby
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
j. Indoor soccer fields
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
k. Dance studios
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
l. Martial arts studios
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
m. Indoor pistol/rifle ranges
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
n. Rock climbing walls
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
o. Boxing training facilities
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
p. Racquetball/handball court
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
q. Performance stages/music areas
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
r. Arts and crafts shops
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
s. Computer labs
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
u. Libraries
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
v. Do it yourself auto repair
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
w. Photography studios
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
x. Rooms for classes/activities
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
y. Woodworking shops
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
z. Bowling centers
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
aa. Areas for table tennis/billiards
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
bb. Roller skating rinks
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
cc. Mobile pet grooming services
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
cc. Pet boarding
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
ee. Pet grooming
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
ff. Basketball/Volleyball courts
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
gg. Cardio/Weightlifting equipment
** None Yes No
i. If Yes, how well are your needs being met?
** None Fully Met Mostly Met Partly Met Not Met
ii. If Yes, would you prefer to use this Facility on or off post?
** None On-Post Off-Post
iii. If Yes, How many times did you use this type of facility? (Past 12 Months)
** None Did Not Use Once per month or less 1-3 times per month 4+ times per month
13. What is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for a DAY TRIP?
** None $50-$100 per trip $30-$50 per trip $20-$30 per trip $10-$20 per trip $1-$10 per trip Nothing
14. What is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for an OVERNIGHT TRIP?
** None $500 and up per trip $300-$500 per trip $200-$300 per trip $100-$200 per trip $1-$100 per trip Nothing. Would not pay for it.
15. What is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for a MULTI-DAY (3 days, 2 nights or longer)?
** None $500 and up per trip $300-$500 per trip $200-$300 per trip $100-$200 per trip $1-$100 per trip
18. Which of the following BEST describes your housing?
** None Military barracks Other on-post housing Off-post housing-apartment/condominium Off-post housing-single family Other (Enter your answer below.)
a. [If OFF-POST] Approximately, how far is Fort Greely from your home?
** None 10 miles or less 11-20 miles more than 20 miles
19. How long have you (or your spouse) been assigned to Fort Greely?
** None less than 3 months 3-12 months 13-24 months more than 24 months N/A, I am not assigned
20. Indicate which activity you are most likely to pursue and how on the table below. i.e., Would you prefer to rent a boat to go fishing or join an MWR fishing trip?
a. Hunting
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
b. Fishing
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
c. Winter Trail use
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
d. Summer Trail use
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
e. Motorized travel (on land)
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
f. Motorized travel (on water)
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
g. Camping
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
h. Fairs and Festivals
** None MWR directed Class or Trip Self directed DIY/Rental Not interested in Activity
21. Alaska Department of Fish and Game offers Hunter’s Education certification online and in Fairbanks, Would you like MWR to conduct it on-post for a fee, if allowed?
** None Yes No
22. The space below is all yours! Let us know of any additional comments you would like to make regarding your Leisure Needs.